Description of image

Sorraline uses satellite data to automatically extract the coastline of your area of interest: simply draw your region, and obtain notifications each time new data is available week by week. Browse, also, past data to compare today’s coastline with one from years ago, obtaining a better understanding of the complex dynamics of the sand.

Sorraline transforms weekly satellite images into a simple line geopositioned where the sand and water meet, using computer vision algorithms that have been validated by the Catalan Institute of Cartography and Geology. The resulting vector files are downloadable and can be exported to any familiar GIS software.

No extra software is needed; the images and coastlines are stored directly in our servers, where you can download, visualize, compare and track any changes in the coastline. Just login to Sorraline and try it out!


How does it work?

Draw your area of interest
  • Draw an approximate line and a buffer will define your area.
  • Personalize it by redrawing or deleting your lines.
Select a date with imagery
  • You can check the weather before downloading
  • Easily browse only dates for which data is available
  • Pre-visualize true color data from the satellite for the selected date
Get your coastline
  • Visualize your computed coastlines.
  • Download and export it as a geojson, with the appropriate metadata.
Browse past data and compare them
  • Overlap multiple lines, personalizing their color
  • Show and hide the True Color background for any given day.

Try it out now!

Use Cases


Objectively Measure Climate Change effects

Climate change is constantly affecting the morphology of the coastline: rising sea levels, increase of temperature, and constant major meteorological events are taking its toll. With Sorraline you can objectively measure the expansion or retraction of your beaches, understanding climate change’s degree of effect on them.


Validate your Local Conservation Policies

Local governance implements many policies and efforts to minimize the effects of coastal erosion, but studies have shown that their effectiveness is questionable. With Sorraline you can track the actual effect of any actions undertaken, from the exact date of their implementation.


Manage Beach Real Estate Concessions

Given the ever-changing nature of beaches, at any given moment it may be hard to guess their usable surface. With Sorraline, local administrations can give concessions to restaurants, sand-huts and swimming areas, being assured that the area of exploitation is not currently underwater.


Track Damaged Seaside infrastructure

During adverse weather conditions, the orography of the coastline may change abruptly, damaging or submerging buildings or any temporarily installed beach infrastructure. If their location was not carefully registered, it is still possible to geolocate where they were first installed so their retrieval and removal can be effectively and accurately performed.

Validated by

Supported by


10m Pixel resolution
Weekly data updates
Images from from Copernicus - ESA
Proprietary AI computer vision algorithms, validated by a Cartographic Institution
Cloud storage of imagery and generated data
Periodic notifications via email
Identification of cloud-coverage of your AoI
Exportable and downloadable georeferenced coastline

This is a product developed by SPASCAT Technologies S.L.
Feel free to contact us if you have any question at

© 2024 Spascat Technologies S.L.